I once lived in an antique house in Massachusetts by the ocean. The house was built in 1767, 9 years before the American revolution. It was in a historic part of town where all the houses were old and had literally 3ft between 1 house and the next.
During my time in the house I did many investigations, I recorded EVP’s, conducted ouija sessions and also tried to record anything I could onto video. I experienced several strange events during my time there. We had a family member die – he was an artist and his paintings where hung all over the house. About 3 days after his funeral I was home alone – just siting browsing the web when a loud crash jarred me to my senses. I ran down to find that a large painting of his had come off the wall and fallen on top of a bicycle that had been resting on the wall beneath it. I inspected the scene and found that the nail and hanger where still in place but the painting seemed to have lifted off the wall, there seemed to be no rational explanation for it.
Another time I captured a child’s voice on via EVP saying “Merry Christmas” then subsequently discovered an 8 year old boy had died in the home and I was able to find his grave up on the old burial hill.
One of the things that was experienced by several of my family member was the presence of a ghost cat. I myself was skeptical of this to begin with. My wife seen a ghost cat running under the dining table, she claimed that it was black and didn’t have legs and seemed almost to be sped up, like an old VHS tape on video search. Another time we had a workman in the house doing some repairs. He came downstairs to go for lunch and said I seen you’re cat upstairs. When we asked “which one” – we had 3 at the time. He said “The Orange one” the strangest part was we had 1 black cat and 2 Russian Blues. The time that I really started to believe this cat presence was in the home was when my father in law said he had seen it. He was coming downstairs one morning and said he had almost stepped on a cat on the stairwell, The stairwell was very narrow and winding so there was not a lot of room to get by anything or anyone. He said he “almost” stepped on a cat, the only reason he didn’t is because when his foot was about to touch it, it dissipated, like disintegrated from view.
The final experience was felt by me. Now I cant say I seen the cat, but I felt its presence. I was in bed on the second floor of the house. I was very tired and was having what some would call “sleep paralysis” so I can’t say If what I experience was even real, but something in me believes that it was. I felt the small weight of a cat jump up by my feet at the bottom of the bed. Then i felt that weight shift up to my right side and walk up my right side, brushing by me till it reached my head – It was then that i shrugged myself awake and jumped out of bed. Thinking it was one of the family cats I quickly looked at the bed, could not see anything and then automatically looked under the bed and all around the room… nothing. The 2 doorways to the room where closed tight, so it was either a figment of my imagination or it was the spirit that several others had witnessed.
We left that house in 2007 and have driven past it a few times since then, I often wonder if there are still things going bump in the night inside.